Thursday, February 5, 2009

Health Care In America

Tom Daschle has withdrawn his name from the running for HealthCare Czar and Secretary of HHS.

He didn't pay taxes on a car and driver he got while consulting or sitting on a corporate board or something.

Lots of taxes...over $100,000 in taxes.

So sometime between November 4, 2008 and now, knowing Obama was going to nominate him, he paid them.

But the scandal was too big, so he dropped out a couple of days ago.

Apparently, it will take between 2 and 47 people to replace the job he was going to do...

He had respect of both Democrats and Republicans, which it seems no one else in America has right now...

So what do we do?

I don't know, but we had better not get sick while we are trying to figure it out.

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